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In an ideal world, every lawyer would have the exact amount of time they want to prepare a case for trial. But we don’t live in an ideal world. We live in a world where we have too many litigation files, not enough help, and jammed up schedules. Not to mention uncooperative opposing counsel who’s job is to delay and deny.

lawyer with binders of paperYou don’t want to go to trial without testing your cases, but running a focus group – even a 1-hour virtual focus group – may not be workable with your schedule.

Also, your case budget is growing exponentially because of live experts coming to trial, or last minute depositions, which opposing counsel delayed until the 2 weeks before trial.

That’s why I created the Trial Strategy Session.

Yes, you can put together the exhibit list and witness lists by the court deadlines.

Yes, you can write an opening statement and pull out that voir dire template from the last trial. Or post a request on a listserv for someone else’s jury questions. (I don’t suggest this BTW.)

Yes, you can make deposition page/line designations.

Yes, you can pull the jury instructions & forms by the court deadlines.


But have you sat down to answer these questions:

How will the jury perceive your case?

What is the best sequence of the witnesses and documents for the jury?

What am I missing that the jury hate? or love?

How can I teach the jury quickly and efficiently with a visual aide?

What can I cut out to make my case clear and simple?

The Trial Strategy Session is for lawyers to slow down and look at their cases with a different set of eyes.

The Trial Strategy Session is for lawyers to collaborate with a new point-of-view and my 1,000+ focus group experience.

Here’s the deal, I listen to non-lawyers nearly every week for past four years as they pick apart cases of all kinds and express their attitudes, thoughts, and opinions. I see lawyers present cases and I’ve put together presentations for non-lawyers nearly every week for past four years. I’ve got a good handle on clear communication and what jurors are thinking. Plus I spent 10+ years litigating and doing trial work.

I put together the Trial Strategy Session so plaintiff lawyers in a pinch (time or money) can still get the answers they need to put together the strongest trial. I take the time to review your file and create my assessment. My assessment includes: what will a jury think? what’s missing? good? bad? plus tips and suggestions. We then get together on a Zoom call to discuss my assessment and work through your trial. Also you may have specific questions and we will tackle those as well.

Now, this requires a type of lawyer who is open to new ideas and different ways of presenting at trial. It also helps to be a lawyer who sticks to plan and puts in the time that there is left to prepare for trial (i.e. the ability to prioritize).

This service is set-up to give you a collaborative session targeted on jury perception and strategy.

If you think this is something that would benefit your upcoming trial (even if it’s next week), you can book a Trial Strategy Session now.

If you aren’t sure and what to talk to me more about how it works, you can book a free consultation call here.


“Just a couple hours of consulting time with Elizabeth before a trial and it saved me a ton of time and money.  Consulting with Elizabeth was like getting the perspective of hundreds of focus groups without doing an actual focus group. Elizabeth gave me perspective on my case that I had not fully considered, and I ended up negotiating an incredible offer on my case without the time and expense involved with trial.”

Shawn Frazier, Shawn Frazier Law